WAHG™ Covid-19 Advisory

Dated: 31st July 2020

“Where knowledge Becomes Power”

All Working at Height Group™ staff are fully operational and able to provide uninterrupted services in certain locations, even under such circumstances.

Please email your representative via our Contact Us page – PRESS HERE

Office location in Crusheen, Clare, Ireland  are open for operational purposes.

Office Location in Houston, Texas, USA will open for operational purposes on the purposed date of the 26th October 2020 (Provisionally).

We will continue to provide training services in your area, under guidance from local authorities.

All training locations are fully operational and prepared to receive delegates.

In accordance with orders from the local authority’s training services will resume under the special Coronavirus Health & Safety Social Distancing procedures.

As the well being of our staff and delegates is our top priority, we have therefore established and implemented these following work procedures:

  • 80% of our office staff now work from home offices.
  • 20% come into the office on a rotating basis, while maintaining social distancing practices.
  • All on site employees have their temperatures taken twice daily, as a preemptive measure.
  • We continually provide our employees with COVID-19 Health Advisory best practices.
  • We have created our own COVID-19 – delegates Social Distance Policy, for our clients and delegates to adhere to.
  • Hand Sanitizer Stations and Masks are available.

A very big thank you to our dedicated employees for handling the ever-changing work circumstances we have all been placed under.

To you our valued customers, words are not enough to thank you for entrusting us with your valued shipments.


Adrian McMahon

Company Executive Officer

                                                                               Working at Height Group™

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