Pulmonary Function Testing

Assessing Lung Performance 


Skillful worker wears gas mask in the factory .

What is a pulmonary function test? 

A pulmonary function test assesses lung performance. Some Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards require pulmonary function testing to be performed by either a licensed physician or a technician who has successfully completed a training course approved by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health. Test results are interpreted by comparing an employee’s readings with those predicted for a person of similar description (e.g., gender, age, and height).

Portrait of group of firefighters in the middle of the smoke of the fire extinguisher

Why are pulmonary function tests necessary?

If there is a possibility of hazardous airborne materials being released, pulmonary function testing helps establish a baseline of lung performance, which is essential for determining adverse occupational effects Pulmonary Function Testing is a component of medical surveillance exams.

Medical Evaluation

What does Working at Height Limited provide?

Working at Height Limited uses spirometry, the most common type of pulmonary function testing, to assess standard measurements of lung function. To prepare for a pulmonary function test, an employee should avoid:

  • Smoking for at least an hour before
  • Eating a large meal for at least two hours before
  • Exercising 30 minutes prior to the test.

In addition to these measures, the employee should wear comfortable clothing and inform the technician if he or she is taking medication.

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Getting The Right Fit 

Farm PPE 1

® Company: Working AT Height Limited © workingatheight.ie 2024 – ®# 585870

Visit: County Clare Ireland.

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