The Working at Height Limited Association Risk Management Matrix began as an informal body of knowledge based on the combined documented experience of over 10,000 hrs of Access, Rescue and EHS experience of Adrian McMahon (since 1999) and Ben Williams (since 2005).
In many of these cases, there were no standards or regulations in place regarding Standard of Care and it had to be created case by case. This was based on the record of performance of rational, objective and successful persons operating in similar situations (mandate, tasks and environment).
In 2024 Adrian McMahon began to formalize and structure this research and evidence based, body on knowledge into the objective, New 5 X 5 Risk Management Matrix that is industry& task specific.
For example, environmental matrices rank risks into four objective levels:
ALL LEVELS 1-5: ‘GO-NO GO’, Based upon individual ability. If you are not prepared for the environment you are working in that is willful volition regarding ‘no go’.
- Must have the training
- Must have the experience
- Must make the right decisions
As applied to the ability to survive in a specific environment of;
- An untrained, healthy adult
- A trained, experienced and equipped expert, in the land, water and aerial environments.
For example: the water environment has matrices for rivers, flood, surf and storm surge.
Regarding rivers, the Working at Height Limited Risk Management Matrix is based on nineteen objective criteria, in both scope and frequency, in determined levels of risk; which can be applied all people/organizations operating in this environment.
The international river classification system developed as a guideline for canoeists and kayakers is based on two subjective factors in six levels of difficulty.
Both systems certainly have their place, however in some applications (in court and in developing professional standards) objective, evidence-based criteria has shown to have some advantages over subject, opinion based guidelines.
The Working at Height Limited Risk Management Matrix is the foundation of the Working at Height Limited Professional Standards.
- How do I get there?
- Take a certified course that will help you get there. You are not an expert after training, you need to head back to the environment to gain the experience and get into the discipline.
Gap Analysis
The Working at Height Limited follows international standards for program conformity. One of the management criteria is the Gap Analysis.
The Gap Analysis follows Needs and Task Analysis. It is the determining tool of Working at Height Limited project management.
It compares actual performance with the potential performance of a training program, process or organization.
At its core are two fundamental questions: “Where are you?” and “Where do you need to be?”
If you or your organization does not make the best use of its current resources, performance will be below its potential and be unable deliver on desired outcomes.
The Working at Height Limited provides this vital service to assist you, the instructor or manager of an organization; in meeting your goals and objectives.