Subject Matter Expert Program (SME)

Why us?

The Working at Height Limited (SME) is for the professional instructor who educates on an International Standard; for programs who qualify for International Standard conformity; for membership to unite a Access & Rescue community.

Accredited members are licensed the use of the Risk Management Matrix for the duration of their membership.

People need and want information, and this especially true for all of those instructing others in the safety and rescue world.

Our craft is dispersed and fractured by many different factors such as geography and operating environments, including competing national, jurisdictional, political and business interests. From a dispassionate, professional, third-party perspective, the industry appears to be fragmented and isolated.

The fact is that there is many current leading edge, high performance, subject matter experts in our fields, isolated in various silos around the world with no interconnecting hub.  The Working at Height Limited is that hub.

It is clear to us that there is a need for simple, applicable, facts driven, risk based, performance qualified Standards that professional instructors and managers can implement.

The Working at Height Limited Standards are designed and developed, so they can work within other various standards that are fact-based guidelines.

We have all heard of many unsupported training programs out there. In the absence of peer-to-peer dialog of timely, accurate information, avoidable liability can and will creep into the risk mitigation equation of training delivery and program management.

Through networking and teamwork, the Working at Height Limited seeks to bridge this gap as a  entity dedicated to you the instructor and/or manager, together building on professionalism and best practices.


Working at height Limited (SME) – VISION STATEMENT

Our vision is simple; we evaluate rescue Instructor’s and program management competency.

Where ‘Lessons Learned’ are not achieved from ‘Lives Lost’; but derived from Effective Standards, Training, Ethics and Commitment.

We aim to be the best partner any instructor ever hoped for.

Our professional charter coverage for the following;

private company representatives who are an instructor recognized in their area of operation are as follows:

  • Rope Access Level 3 Instructors – SPRAT – ISO – IRATA – FIST – ARAA (only) more to be added soon!
  • Rope Rescue Instructors
  • Wind Energy Instructors
  • Telecommunications Instructors
  • SAR Instructors
  • Construction Instructors
  • Workplace Emergency Management Team Instructors
  • Emergency Management Instructors
  • Crises Management Instructors

Working at height Limited (SME) – MISSION

Provide superior quality instructor and program support worldwide.

Connecting Instructors and Partners with a modern framework of success, community, respect and honor.

Based on evidence and science that is purposeful to the qualified Working at Height Limited Instructor, Accredited programs and their students.

Working at height Limited (SME) – VALUES

Service – Integrity – Accountability

Working at height Limited (SME) – MOTTO

Professional Responsibility in Delivering Excellence (P.R.I.D.E)



North America

South America (Coming Soon)

Aisa-Pacific (Coming Soon)

 Who We Are

The Working at Height Limited is comprised of people who have a passion and commitment to professionalism in a variety of training disciplines.

Comprised of basic to advanced qualified instructors who provide a variety of training programs.

It’s what we do.  In real time, in the real environment.

What Working at Height Limited is:

A private International certifying body for variety of training instructors under the Risk Management Matrix.

Working at Height Limited supports instructors teaching independently through a company or public service agency is vetted under International Standards for conformity to present in a classroom setting of their select discipline.

Instructor applicants adhere to compliance measures for participation and are afforded the opportunity to be assessed for professional qualification upon successful course completion.

Working at Height Limited is an international auditing body for courses.  Clients provide their own curricula for course approval qualification

Who can be a member of the Working at height Limited (SME) Association?
We have memberships available for a variety of people, ranging from professional rescue personnel program managers and current educational instructors operating in the an access and rescue community.  Working at Height Limited offers membership to technical professionals and companies that are not Working at Height Limited certified.

What we are not:

As Part of the SME program, We do not offer training courses for applicants to teach, we are not a service provider for curricula.  We do not certify students of Working at Height Limited as qualified instructors. The SME program is to  determine that the qualified instructor conforms to international standards; and is therefore able to use the Working at Height Limited Risk Management Matrix in their training courses to assess the level of risk and student participation during their qualification period.

Working at Height Limited does not keep or maintain student records of qualified programs or instructors.

The culture of trust and openness is the glue of the Working at Height Limited membership. Through a common purpose of fact and reason, Working at Height Limited members are continuous learners who develop their professional abilities in pursuit of excellence.

Policy and Procedure

The Working at Height Limited functions in a structured environment through standard, professional, policy and procedure protocols.

Policy or “spirit of intent” is a guide to decision making in the Working at Height Limited.

Procedures are a step-by-step process of how to achieve the said policy.

Policy and procedures are amended on an on-going manner as part of the Working at Height Limited continuous improvement process, within the Working at Height Limited Quality Management system. These are readily available to the membership of the Working at Height Limited through web based format.

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