Instructor Academy

Instructor Trainer Program (ITP)

Save and Grow your Business with Working at Height Limited. The (AIT) & (ITP) Program are two indapendent licenced corporate Programs that Working at Height Limited has.

  1. Training for you Business (Authorised Instructor Trainer “AIT”) Local Licence.
  2. Network for Training and Excellence  (Instructor Trainer Program “ITP”) Commerical Licence.

Training for you Business Licenced certification program is for companies with 50+ employees who wish to have there own certified instructor on site.

The Network for Training and Excellence know known as the Alliance Group is a designed for training centers worldwide who wish to have a training instructor to teach in the commercial sector. This is a Licenced program and the instructors operate and teach Working at Height Limited Academy Programs and operate as a Indapendent Training Academy Facility. Working at Height Limited Academy Manages and Maintains the Programs this leaves the training partner free for all the required management costs associated with a Intergrated Management System.

Working at Height Limited’s is widely recognised as the gold standard in workplace training accreditation.

We help you grow your business, provide access to exceptional training materials and reduce your administration time.

Becoming a Working at Height Limited’s Accredited Partner for safety training is affordable, with different pricing structures to meet your business needs. We’re also the first accrediting body to offer a ‘pay as you go’ option with no up-front fee!

Working at Height Limited’s  Certified “Instructor Trainer Program (ITP)” and potentially becoming an Instructor delivering our industry leading safety education programs. We develop and offer Instructor Trainer Programs for our end-user courses.

Our goal is to provide you with a turnkey training solution that aligns to your needs as a trainer. Whether you require a specific training solution or our robust Comprehensive program, we look forward to welcoming you into our Instructor Trainer Community.

Please take a moment to read a little more about us and our value as a training partner.

Don’t forget to check out the relevant information under Certification DetailsInstructor Course Details, and Instructor Trainer Certifications.

Our Credentials

Since our corporate beginnings in 1999, we have retained the same ideals and high standards with our focus on “Professionals Training Services” in the areas of Health and Safety, Manual Handling, Fire Safety, First Aid, Work at Height, Technical Rescue, Rope Access, Trauma At Height, Confined Space Entry & Rescue, Ladder Safety, PPE Inspection, Ladder Safety . In short, we are Working at Height’s Subject Matter Specialists (SMS), With over 20+ years of experience devoted to work at heights, rescue and emergency care, we excel in the development and delivery of safety and emergency training programs and can provide you with an effective ‘turn key’ solution for your training requirements.

Working at Height Limited Headquartered in the west of Ireland and home to a number of brands of fall protection equipment.

Our quality training complements the leading-edge equipment.

Ultimately, we continue to be responsible for delivering top quality training with P.R.I.D.E, focused on the concepts and principles of  Technical Access, Rescue and Inspection irrespective of the brand of gear being used. Our programs are focused on providing the depth and breadth of Technical Access and Rescue instructor knowledge to workers so they can work safely at height in their work environment.

Your Partner In Training

By choosing the Working at Height Group, you are choosing more than a provider, you are choosing a partner. We are committed to safety culture like no other, and are also committed to your success as an (ITP) Instructor and to the training of your students/workers. Once the instructor’s course ends, the support begins.

Some of what is available includes:

  • Wide range of courses (In-person, Blended & eLearning Training).
  • Internationally Recognised Qualifications.
  • Prepackaged Student Material kits.
  • Training material for instructors Kits.
  • Annual program for current instructors (updates include; Legislative Law, Regulatory Compliance, Equipment Standards, Statistical Data, etc.)
  • Ongoing Technical Resource and Information Support.
  • Instructor Equipment Kit Discounts
  • Instructor Conferences/Seminar’s.
  • Instructor Uniform.
  • Our ITP Club.
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