Philips HeartStart Training

Training Solution for Instructors

The materials in this training program are not intended to be a comprehensive training course. The program materials are designed to provide a resource to instructors and to augment other training materials or local responder programs. This training program highlights operation, troubleshooting and maintenance information for the HeartStart OnSite Defibrillator. This program does not provide medical direction/authorization or licensure for defibrillator providers. Actual use and operation of the HeartStart OnSite should follow nationally recognized guidelines for emergency care with a defibrillator and local standing orders or protocols. Instructors should be proficient in CPR and basic life support prior to learning how to provide external defibrillation with the HeartStart OnSite.

Tools For Trainers.

HeartStart Training Toolkits are designed for professional training organizations and in-house training departments. Toolkits provide all of the elements needed to successfully train employees or designated first responders on how to use Philips HeartStart Defibrillators. Each model-specific Toolkit contents are with the following training content:

  • Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation – that trainers can use to teach students about SCA and its treatment with defibrillators
  • Student’s Guide for use with the video.
  • Training Videos.
  • Training Scenarios.
  • Instructor’s Guide.
  • Phillips Heart Start Manuals.
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